Response: The Case of the People Truly Stated
The offending publication is below:
The Case of the People Truly Stated
We The People of The United States, in recognition of the preferences of nearly half the electorate and in accordance with the constitution, welcome the incoming administration. We acknowledge their right to govern as granted by The Citizens.
However, we draw attention to the unprecedented concentration of power that has occurred through disregard for decorum and scruples resulting in a governing party that not only controls the executive, house and senate, but also the lower and upper judiciary. This concentration of power paired with newly granted immunity for actions taken by The Executive Branch by the Supreme Court leads us into uncharted waters. This uncertainty is not conducive to a healthy republic.
We therefore clarify and establish the following additional guardrails on the new administration, to which every patriotic citizen agrees to enforce:
The President of the United States is not authorized to use The USA military against any citizens of The USA.
The President of the United States is not authorized to use the USA military for territorial acquisitions.
The military's loyalty will continue to be to The Constitution of the USA and not to any individual.
Free Speech:
Individual citizens, as ensured by The Constitution, have the freedom of speech. This shall not be infringed.
Freedom of the Press:
The free press, as ensured by The Constitution, will not be suppressed or intimidated by the government.
The President of the United States is not authorized to pardon them self.
The President of the United States is not authorized to pardon individuals which commit illegal acts orchestrated by them self, their administration, or their associates.
Separation of Church and State
As affirmed by our nation's founding fathers and guaranteed by The Constitution, The Separation of Church and State is absolute. Meaning: In order to protect everyone’s religious freedom, no form of religion will be promoted or supported by The USA.
Executive Immunity: Though The Supreme Court has granted immunity to The President, we The People do not. The USA does not and will never have a king.
We trust that the systems established by our founding fathers through The Constitution are strong, will hold, and that any official who abuses their power will be dealt with in accordance with those systems.
If you agree with the positions taken in this statement, simply wear a plain white arm-band to demonstrate support.
TL;DR: No one in elected office should abuse or exploit the power granted to them for their own benefit or personal vendettas. The citizens of the United States will not stand for it. Demonstrate your support by wearing a white arm band.