Attracting and Retaining Voters
December 23, 2024
On Attracting and Retaining Voters
Voters, but especially young men, need to feel like they’re part of something bigger than
themselves (see Sports Teams). This helps reassure their own personal insecurities and
makes sense evolutionarily as independent individuals wouldn’t succeed on their own.
In the past, leaders have exploited this innate trait via religion and patriotism to convince
these masses to do their bidding. However, modern capitalist culture paired with the
decline of organized religion has left large swathes of this populous without
connection..and ripe for the picking.
Rather than working against the individualistic tendencies of modern capitalist culture,
we should embrace it (and profit along the way). By lowering the barrier of entry to our
clique to the mere purchase of a $25 MAGA hat, or a $30 TRUMP flag, these
susceptible minds will feel a sense of belonging for the first time in their lives and
readily fall in line.
IMPORTANT: Do not emphasize the nature of this larger movement. It is critical to
these individual’s egos that they’re still viewed as “avant-garde”, “superior” and
“independent”. If at any point a competing organization is trying to build genuine grass-
roots efforts or legitimate civic-engagement: Deflect with anger and belittlement.
Internally, this cohort of voters will be referred to as “Merch Bros”.